Friday, November 27, 2009

Astoricas Spartan Mage Commander

My name is Astoricas and I am the leader of the Spartans. Today on this day, April 3 431BC, I am turning 20 years of age. Today I am named leader of the Sparta, since my dad, Spartacus, died as a Gladiator and I have to be 20 to rule Sparta. So this is my moment to bring tranquility and freedom to the people of Greece.

As I walk down the “ Isle Of Leadership” I feel this weird power running through my blood and it is spreading at a rapid rate, this feels like I can fly. All of a sudden I start hovering about 30cm in the air. MY people were astonished , their mouths dropped to the grass. With a sway of my hand, the sky burns with sparks of fire and soon after I am wearing full heavy bronze armor . My heart is pumping with bravery and strength and I just realized how the Leaders get their astonishing powers.

My crown of grass and leaves was being put on my head. I stood on a wooden stage as I shouted with a strong and hearty voice:" Today, I was named leader of Sparta. I will not let any of you down, especially the people of Greece who are imprisoned in the wrath of Athens! I am willing to sacrifice my life towards saving the people of Greece! First we need to create an army. We are going to go out tomorrow looking for others willing to give their lives to free others from what I call, The Wrath Of Athens! who here is with me?!"
"We are!" shouted my people with the strength of their hearts.

As I walked into my shed, I thought about my family, thinking how worried they were. So I decided to visit them and take the villagers here to be trained and be free humans. As I thought about how to bring the village here. An idea popped into my mind,
we should first capture the illegal people in in the forest and the fields, since they are very good at sneaking around and getting resources for us. I found Acteon a great warrior who I took with me to look for those useful guys who we need. We found about 100 of those robbers and sent them to work straight away.

In the mien time at our camp that was under progress, huge boats were getting built there. Two of those boats set their journey to the village where my parents and all other family members lived. As soon they arrived everyone bordered really quick with their goods and their hearts filled with strong fear and heart breaking sad memories. On arrival they went and set up their tents and rested for the night.

Now back to me, I am now heading back to camp with my little garrison of robbers. The journey took about a month and on the next day training started and we saw some of Athens' scouts looking for us. They tried to run but were not fast enough. Each soldier is getting better everyday. We raided some towns that refused to help Sparta.

A year past and it is again April 3rd only in the year 430BC. I said another speech and asked everyone if I was a good enough leader. And everyone agreed I was a worthy and responsible leader. The progress of camp was great and now has about 200 buildings.
The army was amazingly growing as well. We still don't have enough to destroy Athens, or do we? We need about twice as many as I have now. If we slay the leader of The Wrath of Athens they will have no hope at all.

I sway my hand and all the dangerous creatures of the wild arrive. With another swipe they are wearing full bronze armor. I all of a sudden, fell to the ground with a faint of exhaustion. That spell took almost all of my strength away. I should practice these so I wouldn't be fainting all the time. As soon as I woke up I flew around looking for something to do and I got a good idea. Why don't I destroy a training camp farther away from Athens.

I got the attention from everyone and announced that we were going to attack a training camp not far from here. My army and me got near the camp and decide we should knock down the walls first with some torches. We set the place on fire and let no one escape. All of the trainees passed away in battle unprepared for the attack. This was an easy successful mission since we only lost about 20 people. Our numbers also over ran the camp in no time at all.

We returned home with resources like armor, food, pottery and tons of other useful equipment. As I continued growing my army and burning down camps over 5 years I was thinking to attack the dock of Athens. But I need better war ships than I have now. So I started building some very powerful ships with built in shields and bows. Today was the time to test the boats out to see if they were working. It was a huge success, everything worked at the top quality.

Now we set sail to practice on smaller war docks to see what these things are really made of and get a hang of the controls and not get seasick during the great battle.
As we came near, the enemy spotted us and bordered their boats. Arrows were just bouncing of our armor and the boat. I cast a fireball spell that sank one ship in fire. A storm rolled in. My boat charged in with the wood pole making a hole in their boat and sinking it down to the bottom. Our archers shot at the people on land and let not even one person escape. Others threw torches at the buildings. Although a group of ten people survived and headed towards Athens. I unloaded a couple of scouts to follow them. So we returned to camp and had a small party in our victories over the last 6 years.

After a month we were attacked by a galleon of Athens soldiers. We destroyed them before they got near me since my army was so big now. I decided to take the fight to Athens. I sent a quarter of my army there. About 5 people got back and told me they destroyed about one fifth of the city and fought of about three thousand warriors. Some magic interfered with the battle. A small meteorite hit them with extraordinary force. It destroyed both them and the enemie soldiers.

I could not believe my hearing. Did he just say a magical meteorite hit them and the enemies soldiers? I wonder if god did that for fighting. Then on second thought I figured it would be Demosthenes the commander of Athens. He was good with magic that's for sure. I wonder what to do next.

As I was thinking on how to get into the center of Athens I realized I needed to protect the only way off Peloponnesus and on to mainland. There was no way that this would be an easy project. I was thinking of something like a great wall of connection but that would take way too many resources and time which we do not have.

We had many battles against Athens but now it now is the year 421 BC and we had lost some of the most major needed battles and my magic is getting worn off by other magic so we created Peace of Nicias this was the treaty where we became great allies and would help each other if either of us was in trouble.

There was nothing new here we just recovered from the battles before the treaty was signed and now the year 415Bc was under process and Athens decided to pay an unwelcome and surprising visit to Syracuse in Sicily. And after 2 years of battles the entire Athens force got completely extinguished with hard work and wisdom for those spells and strategies our force used. After this the Persians joined us and now is the year of 404BC and Athens has not given up yet and I am getting old, weak but surprisingly wiser.

I marched with my entire army into Athens and they gave up hope and surrendered. I flew up and spoke in my loud old voice:" Today is the day of victory of Sparta now the people of Greece are safe and sound! I'm Astoricas and have been leading almost every battle and helped and gave my life to free others, but my life was not taken away from me but the brave and proud soldiers who truly made this a victory! Let's take some time for the remembrance of the soldiers of Sparta and all others who helped!"

From this day forward I was proud of everyone but the enemies who made this really difficult and a real heart breaking screams of pain sounds which ruined everyone's day. Now there are no more Coliseum battles or Gladiators. Now every person is a free human with rights! It is April 3rd 401BC and now is my time to join the soldiers that gave away their lives for the freedom and loss of others.

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